The 2060 alternative version of myself inquires, "May I inquire as to the reason for your pursuit?" I am aware that he is being handsomely compensated for his service, but he harbor no intention of inflicting harm.
Now addressing "myself", I would maintain a stoic countenance while a sense of dissatisfaction wells up within me, causing my chest to feel uncomfortably warm.
"I have grown weary of feigning indifference and pretending that nothing holds any significance to me whilst being pursued by individuals in pursuit of unverified knowledge. My objective is to offer aid to those who seek an escape from their worldly pain, not to condemn them to death but to provide an alternate solution. Not everyone wishes to meet their demise, they simply desire relief from their suffering and a chance at a better existence. I comprehend their predicament."
I comprehend.
I comprehend.
I comprehend.
"I implore you, will you continue to pursue me or would you consider joining in my endeavors?"