In the awakening of an unfamiliar yet strangely familiar setting, I find myself adorned in my standard PS101142 pajamas, realizing that this is not my accustomed dwelling. As I leisurely traverse the house, approaching the window to discern my location, an unexpected interruption occurs when he begins to speak. In that moment, the floodgates of recollection open, and I am reminded of the intense emotions that surged within me upon his return—my body overwhelmed, shaking, and crying tears of happiness, a manifestation of emotions that momentarily eclipsed my physical strength.
He greets me with a simple ”good morning” before remarking, “Last night was intense”. Suddenly, a chaotic sequence of memories floods my consciousness—our relapse into a dark place, a tumultuous event characterized by mental breakdowns amidst the rain, reminiscent of the occurrences on March 6, 2021, before I even met him. Now situated in this peculiar space, I feel an odd sense of disconnection coupled with an unfamiliar yet comforting safety, akin to an open door leading to healing. Contemplating our next move, the prospect of exploring this new place looms before us, yet the lingering question persists: “How did I get in here?”