Recent times have ushered in a wave of adversity.
Might they eventually confront regret? A future moment, perhaps in 2026, could serve as an awakening for them.
As 2026 approaches, my age will be 22.
October's beginning marks the passage of time, leading to its inevitable conclusion. At that juncture, I entertain the notion of extracting the SD card within my cranial confines and dismantling it—a seemingly attainable endeavor.
Conversations might unfold with the question, "Do you remember when ________?" Yet, my recollections remain capricious, for I selectively expunge detrimental memories from my repository.
Multiple personas reside within, granting me the ability to embody various identities. When a persona falters, I can deliberately excise it—a product of my fluid self-image.
However, this expulsion entails erasing associated personas. This notion bears a dual weight, as the relief of forgetting is counterbalanced by the pain of such memories.
My emancipation from toxic cyberspace is a reassuring reality, eclipsing all other concerns.