calendar Sleep

calendar November 3, 2022.
calendar 3:05

Perhaps it is prudent for me to seek a period of respite, a time to rejuvenate my faculties.

However, the impending demands of tomorrow loom large, necessitating my resolute engagement with numerous tasks and the formidable challenge of completing the pending assignments.

The compulsion to cease deceiving my parents, who remain under the impression that I am diligently attending to my academic responsibilities, is increasingly pressing. This falsehood I perpetuate is particularly acute, given that the deadline for submission has long passed its designated point.

Nevertheless, I must content myself with this course of action.

The practice of falsehood endures.

Nonetheless, I persevere in my endeavors.

This, indeed, stands as a superior alternative to the alternative of inaction.

As I prepare to retire for the night, I anticipate engaging in the act of perusing Pinterest and crafting narratives until the tendrils of slumber envelop me. In such moments, my intention is to pacify the ceaseless stream of thoughts and plans that pervade my consciousness.

I need to make these thoughts and plans to be quiet. They need sleep too.