

Age: Ageless

Gender: "Unknown"

Pronouns: They/Them or He/Him

Birthday: Unknown

Height: 160cm

Weight: 38-40kg

Entity: Unknown Entity

Location: [???], i026NET

xxnullxnullxx, also referred to as Null for brevity, is an enigmatic entity formed by an individual identified by the codename lb-1224. On January 15, 2024, a troubling incident transpired wherein lb-1224 utilized a Russian girl as his profile picture to navigate the Cybernetic World (now defunct Discord server), subsequently issuing threats regarding the possession of personal data from individuals within the Cybernetic World. This was followed by the dissemination of concerning, albeit not explicitly explicit, images with apparent associations to latex BDSM. Consequently, the Cybernetic World was discontinued to safeguard the well-being of the members.

On January 16, 2024, at 2 a.m., lb-1224 engaged in peculiar behavior by establishing an Instagram account featuring i026's sole smiling photograph as his profile picture, subsequently modifying his name and bio to as seen on the following image, thus prompting the adoption of the moniker 'Null' for this entity. The rationale behind this action remains somewhat unknown, possibly aimed at capturing i026's attention, albeit with motives shrouded in ambiguity, vacillating between apparent interest and mockery, as evidenced by the following image:

@xxnullxnullxx Instagram account.

On the same day, lb-1224 responded to i026's sardonic message regarding potential friendship, expressing transient interest in individuals and a desire to observe i026's prowess in the cyber domain. Subsequently, the account was deleted, likely by lb-1224 himself. This entire episode instilled fear in i026 while simultaneously intriguing them, given the magnitude of effort invested by the perpetrator. On January 20, 2024, lb-1224, using his primary account, privately apologized for his actions and expressed remorse for the deletion of the Cybernetic World to i026. Unintentionally, i026 and lb-1224 formed a close bond, sharing mutual interests in technology and transhumanism. Despite their shared affinities, the friendship was marred by toxicity. Notably, on January 30, 2024, lb-1224, in an act of spite, created another account mirroring xxnullxnullxx, this time featuring a different smiling photograph of i026 under the username @narendil_ivannethh, stemming from i026's non-response to his prior message.

Null has made several appearances in i026’s videos. Their initial appearance was in "xxnullxnullxx", detailing the events of January 15 and 16. Subsequent appearances include "Many eyes have been watching me, but I feel yours piercing my soul." and "3290, what do you really want?". In the latter video, Null is depicted more distinctly.

Null assumes various aliases, such as "3290", a reference to another fake account created by lb-1224, albeit not for the same purposes as xxnullxnullxx or narendil_ivannethh. Essentially, Null embodies lb-1224 himself under a fabricated persona, reflecting lb-1224's penchant for anonymity and involvement in platforms like the dark web. While lb-1224 does feature in some of i026’s videos, he never appears in his true form, instead adopting the guise of Null. This choice is influenced by their initial encounter, wherein i026 and lb-1224 crossed paths. Consequently, viewers may misconstrue i026's interactions with Null as talking to themselves or attribute them to schizophrenia, unaware that they are indeed engaging with lb-1224 himself under a pseudonym.

Who is lb-1224?

lb-1224 is an enigmatic entity whose true nature remains ambiguous, leading to speculation about whether he is a human or another form of non-human entity. Originating from Latin America, lb-1224's presence is discernible in some of i026’s videos, particularly during periods when content was presented in Spanish. In i026’s art, lb-1224 is often depicted with his visage scribbled all over or glitched like a broken computer screen, symbolizing his anonymity in the digital realm.

lb-1224 harbors a keen interest in transhumanism, technology, modems, computers, and hacking, boasting extensive knowledge in these domains. He exhibits an appreciation for aesthetics, favoring designs such as Frutiger Aero and Metalheart.

Manifesting in various forms depending on the context, lb-1224 is characterized differently in i026’s dreams compared to the real world. In dreams, he is typically depicted wearing a backward-facing cap, a black t-shirt, and black long jean pants, with a notably slender physique and increased height. Conversely, in reality, lb-1224 maintains a healthy weight and infrequently dons caps.

His personality is multifaceted, encompassing sarcasm, a peculiar sense of humor that can verge on the offensive, and an unfiltered expression of thoughts, though not always directly conveyed. lb-1224 exhibits moments of caring and empathy interspersed with periods of indifference and apathy, demonstrating a penchant for observing others' suffering, including those close to him, indicative of a somewhat sadistic disposition.

lb-1224 is essentially the creator of i124.

Last Updated: 8/24/2030