
Website (i026NET) is having a big change, sections have been removed and it will turn into more skeuomorphic themed.

Interests has been completely updated.

New photos and collections have been added

Collection has been layout-changed and it is currently being updated.

LB-C-i026 entities have been updated and added.

Me has been added.

彼への仮想的な愛 has been completed. 恋文 is currently empty, the 恋文 section will start having content soon, on January.

彼への仮想的な愛's little navigation and sections has been added.

About has been updated.

Website Updates has been added.

彼への仮想的な愛 and 代替仮想性 has been added. 代替仮想性 is currently blank.

Diary year sections added and layout-changed.

This Website [Credit] has been added.

Website's layout has changed. [5.0]

Website created.

iMac G4

iMac G3

              This Website [Credits] | Website Updates | Viewing Experience | Email i026 [Mail] | Email i026 [Gmail]

i026net [2023-2024]